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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Conference Nuggets.

I have been out of the loop since long..was away at Bhubaneswar to attend the 4th National Conference of Women in Police. it was indeed a great experience:meeting a number of senior lady police officers about whom one just reads or hears about. these are the women, who in their heydays, took it upon themselves to storm the uniformed male bastion and distinguish themselves.Personally,I was much impressed by their style and verve...Wow,ladies!!

The conference had a record participation of policewomen. The issues discussed, I am sure,have been raised numerous times before..right from lady constables to lady DGPs-harrassment at workplace, inconsiderate bosses and even more insensitive colleagues, lack of infra structural facilities etc.What struck me funny and ironic was that women were complaining to women and sharing tales of woe regarding their chauvinist male colleagues. There was no male police officer in attendance,at the most, retired male IPS officers who have little or no say in modifying the present system.

I believe that if we are really serious about ensuring a healthier workplace for our policewomen, we need such conferences to be attended by a smattering of women delegates and a larger number of policemen. Let them also hear publicly the tales of woe of their female colleague, let them also realize that just like their wife, sister, mother and daughter, that woman in uniform is also a "woman". I am sure and confident that we, the women in uniform, do not need male sympathy but yes, the workplace becomes a hell without their understanding and sensitivity towards our cause. And our problems will not be resolved by these formalized"kitty" sessions.
Bring in the men, gals! And then the change shall hopefully follow.

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