A hearty welcome to all!

If you are in love with life, food, poetry....i welcome you heartily. Your feedback, constructively phrased, is more than welcome!!

Saturday, August 17, 2013


   With the number of files and pending work in my office assuming terrifying proportions, of late, I have been besieged by the urge to run away from this madness. I guess it happens to every person once in a while. The hitch is that it has been happening to me pretty often in the last couple of months…I seem to be in a state of flight even in my dreams! Psychologists may dub it a state of escapism…from the realities of the world. Whatever said and done, I must confess that there is actually a burning desire to go away and do all the little things which makes one’s spirits twirl around merrily. In  such a frame of mind, this poem came into being.


Desire burns in my heart..every day,
To soar high up to the fluffy clouds
And envelop myself in those snowy blankets.

To dive down that mysterious azure sea
And gaze at mermaids and playfully tweak the huge octopus.

To sit lazily on a rosebud waiting all night
And drink the dew as it mixes with the nectar on that pale red petal.

To be that happy season of spring
And make the trees flower and blossoms break into a jig.

To caress the glowing cheek of the infant
And bask in its dimpled smiles and delighted gurgles.

To travel in a quaint caravan through the sun-painted dunes
And hope to meet a pharaoh looking for his lost treasures.

To trek up those lofty Himalayan peaks
And listen to life’s philosophy at the foot of the mystic whose wisdom the world seeks.

Set me free for I am restless,
The unknown beckons and I must say
I leave now for I wish to explore the world that lay
Beyond these walls….
A world that is exciting and gay.

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